Contract Management

Simplify and Streamline Workflows.

Seamless Contract Evolution

Experience the ease of managing contracts with Midas. Contract Management is an integral part of Midas, dedicated to collecting profiles and prices. Our platform not only simplifies and enhances contract management workflows but also offers hedging capabilities through the Midas Hedging API.

By consolidating profiles and prices, Midas automates hedges in response to any contract changes, providing a real-time overview that enhances operational efficiency and accuracy.  Elevate your hedging strategy with Midas, where many transactions are specifically designed for hedging purposes. The Hedging API enables the real-time export of essential hedging data to external systems.

Dealing with complex product structures and evolving customer needs can be challenging, but with Midas, contract changes, extensions, liquidations, and relocations are handled in a user-friendly setup. All changes are logged, ensuring updated hedging. Settlement and contract data are promptly updated and exported accordingly.

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